Saturday, May 10, 2008


I love that word. Not, the ‘word’ so much as in the syllables and the sounds it makes – but all that is in the meaning, and representation it is.
I have been taking a Life Coaching class as many of you know and I LOVE it! This week I had the opportunity to work with someone in the class that I have observed over the course of several weeks. I have watched this person’s demeanor and character and come to think of him as a man of great passion, integrity and conviction.
We had an exercise this week where we were to pair up with another class-mate and he chose to work with me.
As we talked and worked on our assignment we had the opportunity to really “connect”. I came to feel even more that he is a man that is very close to “his creator”, “the spirit”, he lives “on purpose” he is “connected”. In general talking and reflecting on the purpose and journey in his life gave me confirmation again the I am right where I need to be. I Love uplifting people! I love the opportunity to share those moments of clarity.
Thank you Phil for our morning talks! Thank you Mike for our morning talks! Thank you Christy for your incredible spiritual strength! I love my family and the ‘connection’ we have and the connection you help me recognize.

1 comment:

Cami D. said...

I like you...LOTS! Why are your pictures so small? I love the 'connection' too - thank you for just GETTING IT!