I love the feeling of finishing a book. It’s like graduating from a class on a mini… mini scale. I always have a small celebration when I have successfully gone from cover to cover – a little moment of soaking it all in. The last book I finished was so good for ME! I love this book . I have a lot to blog about and I’m not going to play much catch up about all the wonderful things I have done this summer. – But this weekend I was able to go to Cami’s family reunion in the White Mountains… ( hey, - You ever see any UFO’s there?) In Show Low- it was so much fun and I will blog about it later… but I just wanted to mention that my time there allowed my to finish another one of my latest journeys, I loved this book…….. humm maybe our next family reunion should be in Bali? Anyone?
There are a lot of books that I like to recommend and I can’t say that I would recommend this to everyone, but I loved it nonetheless on my top 10 list for sure!
Delicious food in Italy, Spiritual Ashram’s in India and life in Indonesia… Dad, I am not sure which one I’ll go to first, but it’s definitely coming! I am just giving you enough time to prepare
I've heard this book was wonderful and have been dying to read it! I'm happy to hear another good review! Miss you Jera! Can't wait to see you soon:)
You are killing me! And there are no UFO's in Show Low - it was by Snowflake...you know where your relatives Kyla and Tyson are from! :) Ha ha!
I had a friend who read it - said it was really good! I have a list I want to read - I need more vacation to finish them all!! hahahaha But I'm up for Bali for a reunion!
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