Happy Happy Birthday Grace the 16th! You are the cutest NUT! :-)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Cute picture updates - Thanks Alysa. Hurry Tuesday, Hurry!

No Mud Football this year -

Since I have known Cami and her family I think I have met just about everyone at least once…. Except the Elusive Uncle Dennis! In all my years around their family circle he has always eluded me. I have even met all of his kids. This year Uncle Dennis was there too! It was great, and I feel some sense of accomplishment having finally met him :-) . Thanks Uncle Dennis -
The weekend was fantastic! Not only was I in fabulous company but the setting as I mentioned earlier is always perfect! Cami and her family have introduced my to the card game of Nertz ( I think Rachel might of a long time ago before I met Cami, but I only played once and it was pretty much a blurrrr - which is really not so different than it is for me now haha) I am sure that if there was Olympic Nertz that the Gold, Silver and Bronze metals would all go to members of Cami’s family! They are really really good at it, and if they had a family mascot that could be a game I am certain it would be Nertz! They play for hours upon hours on end, go into “tournaments”, team competition and even a tag team of sorts… it can get brutal, but all in good fun. This year was no exception and it was fun to play, and watch, and listen – I had a great time up there!
Monday night we went over to Phil and Kierstin’s for some BLACKBERRY COBBLER! So, I am pretty sure that I am Kierstin’s favorite :-) --- She had me over for cobbler! It was awesome and I love hanging out with them (cobbler or not, but hey- I don’t think I’ll ever turn down cobbler!)
Monday, August 4, 2008
Eat Pray Love

I love the feeling of finishing a book. It’s like graduating from a class on a mini… mini scale. I always have a small celebration when I have successfully gone from cover to cover – a little moment of soaking it all in. The last book I finished was so good for ME! I love this book . I have a lot to blog about and I’m not going to play much catch up about all the wonderful things I have done this summer. – But this weekend I was able to go to Cami’s family reunion in the White Mountains… ( hey, - You ever see any UFO’s there?) In Show Low- it was so much fun and I will blog about it later… but I just wanted to mention that my time there allowed my to finish another one of my latest journeys, I loved this book…….. humm maybe our next family reunion should be in Bali? Anyone?
There are a lot of books that I like to recommend and I can’t say that I would recommend this to everyone, but I loved it nonetheless on my top 10 list for sure!
Delicious food in Italy, Spiritual Ashram’s in India and life in Indonesia… Dad, I am not sure which one I’ll go to first, but it’s definitely coming! I am just giving you enough time to prepare
Eggs and Spinach?

So Lately I have been eating a fair share of eggs…
And not that this is directly related… but spinach. Every time I eat spinach it makes my teeth feel funny…
So, I just had to check into it. And I figured while I was at it I would try to also figure out why some hard boiled eggs are so hard to peel… and I did but here is some cool stuff about spinach that no one should ever need to know and the coolest egg trick ever… I am going to try it!!!... – well.. in the morning!
Oh - and about the spinach : Why does eating cooked spinach make my teeth feel funny?Spinach contains a large amount of oxalate crystals - mineral salts of oxalic acid. When spinach is cooked, especially canned, heat-processed spinach, some of the spinach cell wall structure is damaged and oxalate crystals leak out. It is this oxalate that gives your teeth and mouth that fuzzy coated feeling. Spinach is also rich in calcium, and calcium oxalate crystals deposit on the teeth, coating them with plaque. Not much oxalate is released when eating fresh spinach because you chew it for only a short time. People who have problems with kidney function should avoid spinach and other foods that contain oxalate, because of the increased risk of producing oxalate stones in their kidneys.
Spinach contains oxalic acid, which combines with the calcium in your saliva to produce the furry feeling on your teeth. Rhubarb, chard and beetroot leaves will all do the same.
See that might just be too much info!
And not that this is directly related… but spinach. Every time I eat spinach it makes my teeth feel funny…
So, I just had to check into it. And I figured while I was at it I would try to also figure out why some hard boiled eggs are so hard to peel… and I did but here is some cool stuff about spinach that no one should ever need to know and the coolest egg trick ever… I am going to try it!!!... – well.. in the morning!
Oh - and about the spinach : Why does eating cooked spinach make my teeth feel funny?Spinach contains a large amount of oxalate crystals - mineral salts of oxalic acid. When spinach is cooked, especially canned, heat-processed spinach, some of the spinach cell wall structure is damaged and oxalate crystals leak out. It is this oxalate that gives your teeth and mouth that fuzzy coated feeling. Spinach is also rich in calcium, and calcium oxalate crystals deposit on the teeth, coating them with plaque. Not much oxalate is released when eating fresh spinach because you chew it for only a short time. People who have problems with kidney function should avoid spinach and other foods that contain oxalate, because of the increased risk of producing oxalate stones in their kidneys.
Spinach contains oxalic acid, which combines with the calcium in your saliva to produce the furry feeling on your teeth. Rhubarb, chard and beetroot leaves will all do the same.
See that might just be too much info!
Life Coaching

Yay !! I ‘graduated’! Last Thursday night was my last Life Coaching Class. It was a little bitter sweet I have to say. I had so much fun with my ‘tribe’! They were great, and I LOVED all the life tools that I got out of the class! I am excited to see where my knowledge from the class will take me and I love to see it make changes in peoples lives that they are looking for :-)
Here is to more Happiness, Passion, Joy and Love!
Here is to more Happiness, Passion, Joy and Love!
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