For those of us who have seen Marley & Me, I feel like my life has been like the part where he goes into auto mode : about walk Marley, wrote column about blah blah, chased Marley, met Gloria Estefan and Jen went crazy, .. anyways if you saw it you know what I mean - so has been my life for the past few days since I wrote last, please refer to the scene of said movie:
-Hung out with cool people
-Tried e harmony -what a joke, not one match (in the whole world!)
-Tried because a friend had four personal testimonials about it – what a joke I need to take Elder Oaks direction! Not one match, (somewhere in my mind I'm in-between the realization of not one match in the whole world and I believe in amazing miracles because I see them everyday! – Haha)
- Lots of birthdays and celebrations: Aunt Eunice, Steve, Kierstin, Levi, U. Don & A. Eunice Anniversary, Alysa, Jackie
- Didn’t make time for visiting teaching, felt bad about that
- Did make time for Ultimate Frisbee, Loved it
- hung out with Alysa and Kaycee – amazed at how perfect a little human can be, and how fast they grow!
- went on a quazi-date and was introduced to Geocaching
- Went on trail, had Bobcat come right into Camp! Got a bit freaked out and excited all at the same time.
- Saw my first Javalina and scorpion on the trail
- It got so warm on the trail, RS season started already
- met the coolest kids on the trail
- tried to me social in effort to meet my husband, went two a couple of parties, it was painful – I think Cami & I came home and cried. One more social setting we know we don’t have to attend anymore – unless I decide that 40 yr olds with red-vine straws in their rootbeer, saving their gum un top of the can for later is as cool as it was when I was 6, or when I’m hanging out with Levi and Aaron.
- Dustin Graduated from UTI! He’s a Rock Star, had a couple of cool conversations with him – I love to see the man that he’s becoming each day!
- Took Porter, Bryant, Meagan and Heidi to the Chaparral Sharks Spring carnival – It was a blast! Even Heidi climbed the rock wall and we ALL got in the jousting bounce and tried to knock each other out – Porter isn’t little anymore, Hahah we had so much fun, thank you Cami and Shannon!
- AZ Pennington’s spent the night for the first time since I don’t remember when – and we went Geocaching, heidi found ‘treasures’ it was a blast.
- more birthdays and Celebrations: Cami, Jeavoni, Chantel, A. Pat, Makenzie, Ariona, Zachary, and Ryan
- Didn’t make time for visiting teaching, felt bad about that
- Did make time for Ultimate Frisbee, Loved it - humm did I notice something?
- April fools, got duped by a pre-pay your ticket gig on the radio. They did a good job!
- fell IN LOVE several times in April
- Went to Oregon for Makayla & Collins Wedding
- went to Olympia and spent the night with the family @ Dean & Chantels new home (fell in love, I LOVE it there)
- went to Don and Dee-Anna’s passing through (fell in love, I forget how much I enjoy these little communities)
- spent several days in GP, loved visiting Grandparents! I love my “roots”
- Went to see Medford family, got to see Jeavoni in car negotiations J 16 was so fun
- went back up to Corvallis, spent some time hanging out – went on a date
- Felt strengthened from being home
- Brought Chelsea back to AZ for the summer
- had a fun car trip, made it on one day
- Effie re-emerged – I love that little guy. I spend as much time with him as I can. He usually stays in my room so I can see him when I first wake up, and when I go to bed. He’s a great companion, a great listener and so much more!!
- Mom came to AZ, we loved having her here for the week. It went super fast – we kept things low-key for her, so she could get a nap in each day like a real vacation
- Birthdays and Celebrations: Sam, Phil, Mike, Stuart, MOM, Meagan
- Didn’t make time for visiting teaching, felt bad about that
- Did make time for Ultimate Frisbee, Loved it - OK, It’s a little obvious, I get it.
- Decided in May that we would go off Sugar!
- Decided that first we needed to go to Thatcher and visit so we could get some world famous Rootbeer before our month of no-sugar, so we would start on the 3rd instead of the 1st
- we drove to Thatcher for the day… as the music plays.
- hung out with the coolest people, missed the Cinco De Mayo parade, made it to the restaurant and were filled to the brim 4 times with rootbeer!
- GOT PECANS!!! Thank you Everyone!
- Adam said “You’ll never be able to give up sugar, sugar is the new “Crack”
- Recapped the day, laughed and talked on the way home, then fell asleep I love road trips! (thank you Cami for always being able to drive home!)
- Two minutes before midnight I ate the most delisous Blackberry little ‘pie’ as one last hoo-rahh – apparently not to be confused with hoo-haww
- went to bed @ 12:15 knowing it had been 15 minutes since I’d had sugar.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Quick re-cap
My friend Robe came to town this weekend and we did tons of fun things! Skydiving, repelling, rockclimbing, snorkeling the reef… wait. No we didn’t!
I thought it would be fun to check out some of the cool AZ scenery – but instead I pulled out the ‘Grandma’ card and we just chilled, I didn’t even take him to Camelback!? We did manage to squeeze in a few really great alternatives though:
1. Heidi’s talk - She did great! I asked her if at the end of her talk she could gives us a little ‘shout out’ and mix things up in primary like “I LOVE you Aunt Jera!” or “ Hi Robe!!” she was being shy and coyly said no but we secretly thought she might do it… no luck. Primary as usual, but it was a great talk!
2. Nap time. Really – remember when I said I pulled the Grandma card. Actually after we ate some delicious pasta dreaming that Cami makes :-) mmmmmmm thanks Cam! We were all lounging around trying to keep our eyes open enough to tell funny stories. No one actually got a nap – we tried.
3. The Big Bang – It’s a dueling piano bar That was only the 2nd time I had been there – the players are really good. You can request any song that you want and see if you can stump them. We had a few requests. Robe had ‘Jack & Diane’ and ‘tiny dancer’ - I put up ‘let’s hear it for the boy’ and got… nothing. We think they lost it – or thought I really wanted them to bring the boy player back haha – Anyways the Big Bang is an AZ fun spot if you ever come here!
4. Golf land – (Jan, seriously!) Robe was great and tried to find one last great activity before he went home, shooting for batting cages (all closed due to the rainy weather, or out of business), go carts or a race track – all in Phoenix – except for the Golf land ones! Well, we got there and the tacks are only open Fri, Sat, Sun. Since it was Mon. we were out of luck so we decided on Pool (with and eight ball) or should I say Billiards? Letting my English blood show haha. Anyway, Pool or air hockey , but they didn’t have pool so air hockey it was. So here we are in Golfland the place is totally vacant. We are the only ones in the whole place except for a couple or 19-20 hear olds and the lonely ticket taker .
On our way to the Air hockey table we passed by dance dance revolution – I’d never been on that before and neither had he so we made a little wager that who ever lost had to play dance dance revolution. ½ way though the game he let me know he had been playing with his right hand, but he was left handed. Needles to say, I lost.
– poor dance dance revolution – I never made it passed the intro.
And that was with his help! I don’t think I’ll be trying out for So you think you can dance – this year.
We played a few other games all of which he schooled me at, race cars and motorcycles…
On the way out I passed a rotating wheel – like on the price is right – and was faking like I would pull it, but I didn’t want to play it. He swiped the card anyway, so I went ahead and pulled it. And- Lucky ME! I won the bonus square of 1000 tickets!
Ummm what do you do with 1000 golf land tickets when there are no kids under 10 to be found?
- Well, I’ll tell you what I did, get a cool juggle kit to put in the playroom! :-) I think that Broc broke it in this week. (Thanks Broc!) He was so excited to play it!
1. Heidi’s talk - She did great! I asked her if at the end of her talk she could gives us a little ‘shout out’ and mix things up in primary like “I LOVE you Aunt Jera!” or “ Hi Robe!!” she was being shy and coyly said no but we secretly thought she might do it… no luck. Primary as usual, but it was a great talk!
2. Nap time. Really – remember when I said I pulled the Grandma card. Actually after we ate some delicious pasta dreaming that Cami makes :-) mmmmmmm thanks Cam! We were all lounging around trying to keep our eyes open enough to tell funny stories. No one actually got a nap – we tried.
3. The Big Bang – It’s a dueling piano bar That was only the 2nd time I had been there – the players are really good. You can request any song that you want and see if you can stump them. We had a few requests. Robe had ‘Jack & Diane’ and ‘tiny dancer’ - I put up ‘let’s hear it for the boy’ and got… nothing. We think they lost it – or thought I really wanted them to bring the boy player back haha – Anyways the Big Bang is an AZ fun spot if you ever come here!
4. Golf land – (Jan, seriously!) Robe was great and tried to find one last great activity before he went home, shooting for batting cages (all closed due to the rainy weather, or out of business), go carts or a race track – all in Phoenix – except for the Golf land ones! Well, we got there and the tacks are only open Fri, Sat, Sun. Since it was Mon. we were out of luck so we decided on Pool (with and eight ball) or should I say Billiards? Letting my English blood show haha. Anyway, Pool or air hockey , but they didn’t have pool so air hockey it was. So here we are in Golfland the place is totally vacant. We are the only ones in the whole place except for a couple or 19-20 hear olds and the lonely ticket taker .
On our way to the Air hockey table we passed by dance dance revolution – I’d never been on that before and neither had he so we made a little wager that who ever lost had to play dance dance revolution. ½ way though the game he let me know he had been playing with his right hand, but he was left handed. Needles to say, I lost.
We played a few other games all of which he schooled me at, race cars and motorcycles…
On the way out I passed a rotating wheel – like on the price is right – and was faking like I would pull it, but I didn’t want to play it. He swiped the card anyway, so I went ahead and pulled it. And- Lucky ME! I won the bonus square of 1000 tickets!
Ummm what do you do with 1000 golf land tickets when there are no kids under 10 to be found?
You can let go now daddy by Crystal Shawanda
Good idea – Go marketing!
Bad Idea – Cry like a girl while listening to a sad country song right before you go!
A couple weeks ago I went marketing to a few Physical Therapy offices. One of them invited me back to talk to the staff and share with them a little more about Acupuncture, the type of patients that would be great candidates to refer and just generally allow them to ask questions.
On my way there I had the radio on and I heard a new song start to play that I’d never heard before so, I turned it up and tuned in… I got caught up in the lyrics pretty fast and of course wanted to know how it would end! Well – But the end of the song I had tears streaming down my face! Duh!!!! I’m not even pregnant, I might be a total wreck if I ever am! Who does that?!
Well the marketing went great, I don’t think that were any the wiser – Waterproof Mascara- A must in make-up accessories.
Bad Idea – Cry like a girl while listening to a sad country song right before you go!
A couple weeks ago I went marketing to a few Physical Therapy offices. One of them invited me back to talk to the staff and share with them a little more about Acupuncture, the type of patients that would be great candidates to refer and just generally allow them to ask questions.
On my way there I had the radio on and I heard a new song start to play that I’d never heard before so, I turned it up and tuned in… I got caught up in the lyrics pretty fast and of course wanted to know how it would end! Well – But the end of the song I had tears streaming down my face! Duh!!!! I’m not even pregnant, I might be a total wreck if I ever am! Who does that?!
Well the marketing went great, I don’t think that were any the wiser – Waterproof Mascara- A must in make-up accessories.
Monday, January 5, 2009
My Christmas Purse

So, What part of this does not scream Louis Vuitton? I got a wonderful gift of goodies in the mail that was waiting for me when I got home from Oregon for Christmas. The delicious items were packed it a very convenient/on-the-go shoebox, that I thought was perfect for any occasion!??
Cami and I decided to hit the movies for New Years day and as we were going out the door in our usual hurried- late surge, I grabbed the snacks and put a few other items in the box since it was sooooooooo convenient! I thought the shape of the items that fit into it and the perfect under the arm transport fit were a match made in heaven. Little did I know this was not the apparent fashion statement that I should have been going for. As we were walking out the door Cami asked me if I would like to use one of her purses - that she had a LOT I could pick from (she is so good to me!)
**Now I have to tell you about a very sacred pack that Cami and I have that would instigate this conversation (not that she would not have politely made the suggestion with out the pact… however this is a free license to make wardrobe or fashion ‘suggestions or strong recommendations’ at any time! Due to the following:
Once upon a time I can across a picture that was really awful – you know, the “Why didn’t somebody tell me that looked so awful?” kind. So Cami agreed that from there on out ( as she could have told me before) she would – as ALL dear friends do – tell me if something about my wardrobe or presentation is particularly just WRONG!**
Since that time she has ‘helped’ me innumerably which brings us to said story… before we went out the door I received another STRONG request to use one of the many purses that might be available, and declined.
So –off we went to the movies and enjoyed the curious case of Benjamin (not to be confused with Bengerman, because that is not a word) Button – which was a fun movie I thought… and on the way out of the movie --as we are most usually the last ones out before the cleaners come in because we like to chat about the movie (if it was any good that is), Cami says while passing the cleaners “ I can’t believe you brought your Bird!” I looked around asking what bird? I don’t see any bird? I didn’t know what she meant then one of the cleaners asked the other one -“ Is there a bird in that box!!??” as Cami is laughing all the way to the car-
Haha Cami thought she was funny – and when I finally go it, I did too. That was the last adventure with my stellar box purse. I’ll let everyone know what the official line will be out as I am sure that you all can hardly wait to have one of your very own!
- Don’t be jealous!
Cami and I decided to hit the movies for New Years day and as we were going out the door in our usual hurried- late surge, I grabbed the snacks and put a few other items in the box since it was sooooooooo convenient! I thought the shape of the items that fit into it and the perfect under the arm transport fit were a match made in heaven. Little did I know this was not the apparent fashion statement that I should have been going for. As we were walking out the door Cami asked me if I would like to use one of her purses - that she had a LOT I could pick from (she is so good to me!)
**Now I have to tell you about a very sacred pack that Cami and I have that would instigate this conversation (not that she would not have politely made the suggestion with out the pact… however this is a free license to make wardrobe or fashion ‘suggestions or strong recommendations’ at any time! Due to the following:
Once upon a time I can across a picture that was really awful – you know, the “Why didn’t somebody tell me that looked so awful?” kind. So Cami agreed that from there on out ( as she could have told me before) she would – as ALL dear friends do – tell me if something about my wardrobe or presentation is particularly just WRONG!**
Since that time she has ‘helped’ me innumerably which brings us to said story… before we went out the door I received another STRONG request to use one of the many purses that might be available, and declined.
So –off we went to the movies and enjoyed the curious case of Benjamin (not to be confused with Bengerman, because that is not a word) Button – which was a fun movie I thought… and on the way out of the movie --as we are most usually the last ones out before the cleaners come in because we like to chat about the movie (if it was any good that is), Cami says while passing the cleaners “ I can’t believe you brought your Bird!” I looked around asking what bird? I don’t see any bird? I didn’t know what she meant then one of the cleaners asked the other one -“ Is there a bird in that box!!??” as Cami is laughing all the way to the car-
Haha Cami thought she was funny – and when I finally go it, I did too. That was the last adventure with my stellar box purse. I’ll let everyone know what the official line will be out as I am sure that you all can hardly wait to have one of your very own!
- Don’t be jealous!
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