I am noticing more and more of them each day. Most of them are too personal, lengthy or seemingly trivial to ‘blog’ but I am just amazed at the fact that the more I ‘notice’ the MORE I “notice!”
Just three yesterday that really amazed me.
This morning alone already two! That does not even take into consideration the constant wonder of grass growing, children growing, our bodies healing and on and on… The ones I readily notice are just the selfish ones that I feel affect me in a more direct way! Duh!
I just wonder how many things happen that I chalk up to coincidence or synchronicity – when it’s really one small miracle after another, for as many little details that go “wrong” it’s so easy to feel frustrated and it seems so silly to me, when I need to take just a moment to recognize the awe of what is all around me.
I am working on just being grateful in knowing that the same source that developed my ten fingers and toes….. kidneys, lungs, heart… spirit and all of me - -already has everything that I NEED on the way! I never doubted when I was an embyo developing (well, I don’t remember feeling stressed out there and way!) that I would come out in one piece. I don’t know why I worry about trivial things each day when I already know what the end looks like.
I am grateful for miracles! I am grateful that what I need is already and always on the way, sometimes it’s just up to me to recognize the package when it arrives.
Jera.. Thanks for the fun today AND THANK YOU for reminding me to pay attention to the little miracles in life. I totally need to!
good job, miracle worker.
I so needed to read this today. Thanks for always having the right words to inspire and heal! You're THE BEST!
I am so glad you came to Arizona! You are part of some amazing miracles for all of us. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!
Happy Birthday Jera Leigh...you don't even know!
I keep checking your blog, hoping for something new. Maybe you could post a photo of your "new eyes!!?!"
Jera - as much as I love your miricles...I'm bored of this. I know you've done some fun things and have some new insite for all of us....WAITING!!! :)
I look forward to the day when you'll post something new... I keep checking!
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