Anyways- I LOVE being home, especially this time of year. I love the smell of littliehood that wraps around me when I walk in the door and I wonder if that is what Heaven will smell like.
I have been told --- just once or twice that I am a bit ‘spoiled’ hummmmmm, I understand that I am in not position to contest that, because I am VERY spoiled and nothing makes me feel it more than being surrounded by family who gives me more love than I can receive. Truly nothing is more spoiling that being ‘home” – everything feels decadent here from the deep emerald greens of the deep thick forest, the delicious desserts of every kind, endless warmth from hugs and kisses, how can life be better?
Each year that goes by I feel that I understand more and more how my parents are the ultimate example of my Heavenly Parents. I only hope that I can emulate them when I have a family of my own. I love this time of year. I love the Savior, the reason for expanding our hearts.